- LTD smart-invest is best investment


invest wisely

SMART INVEST- is an investment company that invests in different unique fields that has excellent returns. Similar as trading robot systems, natural technologies of the future, startups, cryptocurrencies and some other. That, in the total, allows us to admit a stable income and thank our investors!


Invest plans


Per day 1.5% Amount, USD 15 - 499 Days 45 

Deposit RETURN


Per day 1.7% Amount, USD 500 - 1 999 Days 50 

Deposit RETURN


Per day 2% Amount, USD 2,000 - 9,999 Days 55

Deposit RETURN


Per day 2.5% Amount, USD 10,000 - 1,000,000 Days 60

Deposit RETURN

Our Company

Smart Invest is a business development investment company, unique ultramodern operation style. We strive to give the ultimate investment experience in our business model. We always exercise new and innovative generalities to meet the requirements of our guests and to be a leader in chancing the most profitable investments in the original and global requests.

Our Team

The Smart Invest platoon pays special attention to experience and excellence. We bring together professionals who have combined global experience and a better understanding of creating business models which meets the requirements of the request. Diversified moxie in investment, marketing, design and fiscal exploration. A variety of gests at Smart Invest supports pretensions, objects, and farther plans of the company. The success of the Smart Invest platoon is a source of alleviation the author's companion.

Smart Invest instrument

Check register

Safe investment

To keep your account and investment as secure as possible, we recommend that you secure your account in your control panel settings runner and check the company website and address.

Sanctioned enrollment of our company

SSL secure connection

2FA account security

Rules and agreements

Please read the following rules precisely before logging in.

This chapter presents the rules for preface that govern the work of Investors with the Company,

. which are binding on both parties during the entire period of cooperation in

within the frame of this design. The rules come into force incontinently after they're posted on the point.

1. Basic rules

1.1-Any person who has reached the age of 18 can come an investor in the Company.

1.2- Stoner enrollment is the only reason for assigning him the status of an Investor and furnishing access to all functions of the point.

1.3-You need to refuse enrollment if you have certain dubieties about your capability to rigorously misbehave with all the rules and norms of cooperation with the Company.

1.4-The Company undertakes to maintain complete confidentiality of the Investor's particular data with the obligatory condition ofnon-disclosure.

2. Rights, guarantees and liability of the company

.2.1-The Company undertakes to direct the finances entered from the Investor to its core conditioning specified in the constituent documents.

2.2-The Company guarantees timely payment of gains in the quantities established by the Investment plan of each Investor.

2.3-The company guarantees the perpetration of payments in full compliance with the rules established by the Regulation and specified in this document.

2.4- The Company disclaims responsibility for cases of possible specialized malfunctions and failures in the operation of payment systems used by the Investor to deposit and withdraw finances.

2.5-Each sale made by the Investor is final and irrevocable.

2.6-The Company isn't responsible for all operations performed inaptly through the fault of the Investor. Payment of lost finances in all similar cases is barred.

2.7-The area of responsibility of the Company includes the preservation and complete confidentiality of information handed by the Investor.

2.8- The company owns the brand to all accoutrements and tools posted on the point. Unauthorized use of copyrighted accoutrements on external coffers is banned.

2.9-The company has the right to change and condense the being rules, which come into force incontinently after their publication in this chapter.

3. Rights and scores of the investor

3.1- The investor must indicate the current particular data during the enrollment process on the point.

3.2-The investor is responsible for making deals. The investor has the right to seek help from the specialized support of the Company on any issues arising as a result of replenishing the particular balance on the point or withdrawing income.

3.3-All functionality available for use by the Investor is intended solely for the perpetration of investment conditioning. Illegal conduct on the point that harm the Company number discipline in the form of blocking the account and expropriating all finances on the particular balance without the right to return.

3.4-The Investor automatically warrants to the processing of particular data by representatives of the Company in agreement with the terms of the current legislative vittles.

3.5- Upon enrollment, the Investor automatically warrants to the processing of his particular data by the specialists of the Company in agreement with the current legislative vittles.

3.6-The investor is banned from creating multiple accounts. Duplicate accounts are removed and finances are firmed.

3.7-The investor must conduct his investment conditioning in agreement with all vittles of transnational law proscribing the conduct of any fiscal deals with an illegal source of finances.

3.8-The investor undertakes to rigorously misbehave with the duty laws of his country.

3.9- The investor is deprived of the right to produce accounts using a particular referral link in order to violate the terms of the chapterprogram.However, all accounts, together with the finances on their balance, If similar data are plant.

4. Force majeure circumstances

4.1-In the event of force majeure circumstances beyond the control of the Company, cooperation with the Investor is terminated for an indefinite period. Force majeure is understood to include DDoS attacks on the Contractor's outfit, natural disasters ( earthquakes, cataracts,etc.), fires, conflict, mass strikes, pandemics, accidents at power force enterprises, engineering networks and dispatches, regulations bodies of state power and original tone- government, hindering the fulfillment of scores under the contract, heads and defeats in world securities requests, etc.

5. Terms of termination of cooperation

5.1-Any party can initiate the termination of cooperation.

5.2-The Company has the right to terminate cooperation with the Investor upon discovery of violations of the current rules and any fraudulent conduct.

5.3- The investor can initiate the termination of his participation in the investment design at any time without giving reasons.

5.4-After the termination of cooperation, the Company has the right not to return finances to the Investor further than he contributed to his deposit.

6. Controversial situations

6.1- Controversies between the parties are resolved throughnegotiations.However, the disagreement is resolved in court, If agreement can not be reached.


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