Hooplex Developing Technology

Hooplex International Community Developing Technology LEXERA

The international community of advanced technology administering of convertation and transaction of electronic and cryptocurrency on a single multicurrency core LexeraWay

30 Days/0.7% per day; 
60 Days/0.8% per day; 
90 Days/0.9% per day; 
120 Days/1% per day; 
150 Days/1.05% per day; 
180 Days/1.1% per day. 
Deposit will be returned
Min/Max: $50 / $10000
Referral: Min 3,2,1% - Max 7,5,3,2,1,1,1%
Withdrawal: Instant

LexeraLXRLexeraLXRpayment system
  • Instant transactions
  • 2x encryption system
  • Lack of empty coins. The coin is generated at the entrance and burned at the exit from the multicurrency core
  • Autoexchange of LXR for the most popular electronic- and cryptocurrency
  • Total anonymity of transaction
  • The nominal amount of coins depends on the amount of transactions inside the core.
LexeraWay 1.0LexeraWay 1.0multicurrency core
  • Autogeneration and Burning of LXR Coins
  • Integration with popular electronic- and cryptocurrency
  • Automatic system
  • Uniq platform of such kind
  • Regular updating and connection of electronic- and cryptocurrency
  • Continuous platform improvement


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